Saturday, June 10, 2017

Down The Evergreen Rabbithole

Five days.

I had intended to follow up the next night. The complete flood of information, through news reporting and youtube commentaries and the narrative the protesters in charge of the school are spinning in contrast to the video evidence against them. At this point the story is huge.

(I do want to mention a fact I've uncovered; there has been a lot of confusion as to the video which the protesters demanded to be removed. It appears to be this Bearing video they were calling for the removal of. I had incorrectly implied it as this much more damning video of Naima Lowe hurling profanities at her fellow faculty on her day off, in which she was joining the student protesters.)

 The collegefix post says a couple of things I want to correct, since it's the first to really reference this blog as far as I'm aware. They said they could not reach me; as I see no attempt was made. 

A few points:
-DisMan's have been around on Evergreen since the early 2000's and the WTO protests.
-The Evergreen DisMan has been produced under the name of several different organizations throughout the years. Sabot Infoshoppe was one of the names they printed in the manual during the years I matriculated, but they are also associated with SDS and more recently, the Black Cottonwood Collective
-The documents are distributed widely enough as the organization responsible for printing/handing them out hosts an entire week of it's *own* disorientation. 
-So that's why Sabot Infoshoppe isn't listed, and yes, there is a 2016 manual

Otherwise, thanks for the coverage. I'm happy to be contacted directly for independent verification of any facts. 

What's taken me so long to compile is the conspiracy bomb I'm about to drop. In light of everything that is going on at Evergreen behind closed doors guarded by an SJW mob, (if you're down for viewing ~12 hours of it)... It's fucking spooky.

I honestly don't know how to write it. I'm hoping more people will come forward, look at the gaping hole of information, ask the right questions, contact the ACLU, and get some kind of attention on this before anyone gets hurt. The philosophies pushed in these disorientation manuals have a presence in every single city in the USA that has had a "terrorist" incident. Bret Weinstein was right. Except it isn't two false narratives. It's a flood of them.

And a single thread of truth.

Let's Cut the Bullshit. Here's a 2016 copy of the DisMan that pushes this anti-authortarian agenda (self.evergreen)
submitted   by SonOfTuck
It's clearly written by the school-funded group The Black Cottonwood Collective (formerly SDS/Sabot Infoshoppe, now comprised of a bunch of different named-cells), clearly details its over a decade old philosophy, clearly outlines their intimidation tactics, and also contains 18 pages of text written by none other than Peter Bohmer, who concocted a story about the govmint trying to assassinate him back in the 70's to protect his radical student groups. (Go ahead, Look for proof. The FBI denied it. No arrest records ever surfaced. It doesn't exist. It was a publicity stunt. No wonder the guy talks about COINTELPRO so much.)
My favorite is page 66 which basically tells students the administrators are the enemy, and urges "this is a conflict, not a misunderstanding."
The kids involved are at best ignorant pawns and at worst terrorists in training, and the organizations and faculty responsible for pushing this material (or allowing it to be pushed and published with school funds) need to be held accountable.


  1. Thank you for posting this info and for speaking out! I an independent filmmaker interested in doing a documentary about Evergreen. Email me if you're interested in speaking with me. Thanks again!
